Knights of the Rose Wiki

Catapults are the strongest offensive Marksmen units available (and one of the strongest offensive units period). Its normal attack is devastating enough, and then its Skill, Aerolite, is even worse (as it hits 2 targets at full strength). With such strength must come a weakness though, and that is its very weak defense to all forms of attack (especially magic and melee hits). It should be obvious, then, that Catapults were meant to be in the back of your formation (Catpults have strong defense against Crossbowmen and provide great protection for a vulnerable, low defense unit who can deal a lot of damage - mages, marksmen, or axe infantry).

The skill, Aerolite, does pretty much what it says in its description. It targets and hits up to four enemies at once ... the trick though is that it appears to choose its target(s) at random. The only requirement is that the targets be adjacent. However there's no way to predict what units with be targeted for Aerolite. Damage dealt by Aerolite is not dependat on remaining troops coutnt and will send 1 to 4 fireballs at enemy's army.


Spotted Scorpion Giant Wurm Kraken
Spotted Scorpion
Giant Wurm
Attack Defense Special

Dragon Island

Moon Island

55 Diamonds

Dragon Island

Moon Island

55 Diamonds

Holiday Events

Enchantments take a varied amount of Enchantment Cards depending on the level of your Hero. The higher your Heroe's level, the more cards you will need.

All items (2)
